We Asked GPT Some Tech Questions, Can You Tell Which Answers Are Human?
ChatGPT and its wordsmith capabilities are all over the news, and for good reason. The large language model (LLM) at the heart of the chatbot can create impressive results, with some even claiming the era of human writers is nearing its end.
While the reality is most likely less catastrophic for us human writers, we must admit that the question of whether AI will end up taking our jobs did pass through our minds once or thrice. So, let's check out whether our readers can spot the difference between a human writer and an AI.
Instead of writing an entire essay and then letting ChatGPT come up with its own version of the same topic, we've decided to compare humans and ChatGPT based on short-form answers to various tech-related questions. We took some answers from TechSpot explainer articles and wrote some additional ones that are less "conceptual" to see what GPT 4.0 came up with.
Each question below features two answers: one made by a human and the other provided by ChatGPT. They're listed randomly on the left and on the right, and it's up to you to spot the difference. Can you tell which is which? You can click the poll below each answer and see how you do.
Before we start, a couple of additional disclaimers: first, this piece is not meant to be a formal experiment, just a fun take on the human vs. AI discussion. Second, if you've used ChatGPT before, then you know the bot is known to spew paragraphs and paragraphs of text, even when you ask basic questions. This is why we had to include an 80-word limit in our prompts; otherwise, the answers generated by ChatGPT would be considerably longer, unnecessarily ballooning this piece.
Let's get started.
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